Where on earth has the time gone?

Really dont know where the time has gone since I last posted here.

Having spent the last year working in Residential and Nursing Homes, I have  taken a leap of faith, and decided to fully focus on my true passion Reflexology.

So dont delay pick up the phone today!

Just like to say I have great respect for our Care Workers, they work incredibly hard, often long hours, as its so poorly paid considering the cost of living these days. It carries a lot of responsibility, and dare I say it there seems to be a great deal of varying standards of care between homes. Those well managed that look after their staff definately have happier homes.

Incidentally if you have a loved one in need of care and support at home on a regular basis you can always contact me to see if I can help and we can come to a happy agreement!

In the meantime dont forget Reflexology can help with so many minor ailments and can reduce the need for prescribed pain relief all of which have side effects.

Also makes a great Birthday Anniversary Wedding present!

I also have a lovely range of massage oils carefully blended with good quality essential oils.

So for free advice or consultation to make an appointment pick up the phone today!

Enjoy the summer whilst its here folks!



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Client Reviews

I have been to a few Reflexologists in the past, however Linda is by far the best I have been to and has helped relieve painful back problems and stress. I highly recommend her.


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